I have been thinking about this a lot lately. So many people are out of work. So many people are hurting and trying to figure out what to do next. A lot of people suddenly have a lot of time on their hands so why don't we see more people out serving? Serving in our soup kitchens and churches?
This is what I know. God is the GREAT economist. Whenever and whatever we give in His name He multiplies and we get so much more in return. I keep waiting for people to wake up and look around and realize that there is something they can do, there are people that need help, that we all truly do need one another. God created us for relationship, with Him and with others. When we hunker down and hide and never cease from licking our wounds we all lose, none of us benefits, I don't even know what is going on in your life so that I can pray with you, comfort you, offer you a helping hand. So many of us are just waiting, hoping, for things to change, for things to get better.
I was thinking about this today and it brought to mind some in the early church. They were so ready for his second coming that they quit working or doing much of anything and were just waiting. Check out 2Thessalonians 3:6-7. This is a warning againsst idleness and a call to live lives after the example of Christ.
What do you think?
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