Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Conduct Unbecoming

I confess. I don't know how to "be" a pastor. Well maybe that is not all true. There are a lot of connotations that come along with the title pastor and I don't fit many of them. I have blogged before about the fact that I do not desire, ever, to possess the "pastoral mystique", you know, that untouchable, unapproachable aura. Oops I used the word aura and pastor in the same sentence. See what I mean?

I make faces from the pulpit. I wave to my kids, blow kisses and wrinkle my nose when I don't approve of their behavior, well not during the sermon, but during worship nevertheless. I can't sing worth a lick except in the car by myself. Put a microphone in front of my face while I am singing and you will be sorry! Really! My reportoire of hymns is minimal at best. I know far more contemporary worship songs. I have yet to master my preacher voice or prayer voice. I should have one right?

I don't know how to guard my reaction when someone says something hurtful to me about myself or my family (people forget you are a human being somehow).

I don't know how to not weep openly for the dullness of hearts and ears to the gospel message when I encounter people who call Christ their savior and crucify him over and over again with their actions.

I don't fit a lot of people's ideas of what/who a pastor is, at least by appearances.
What picture do you paint when you think of who/what a pastor is? I'm clumsily trying to figure it out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What picture do you paint when you think of who/what a pastor is?

I think the picture I paint is that of a servant. Of course I try to keep in mind that pastors are just fellow-servants like I am. They just have a special calling. That doesn't make them superior, just different.

I also try to remember that they aren't perfect. I have to remember too that I am called to keep my eyes on the Lord not on men.

Churches have been led away from the simple proclamation of the gospel by following men and not Jesus.