Saturday, January 15, 2011


This week was unusual. We had heavy snow last Sunday night and freezing temperatures all week. As of now, Saturday night, a full 6 days later, there is still snow on the ground. The roads were so icy, school was out for the week, and we were unable to leave the house for 4 days. I had to be still. This is unusual for me.

I had more time than usual to reflect, to list, to pray, to ponder, to SLEEP! I made some plans, set some goals, fleshed out some resolutions. BAM, another up close and personal look at my flaws, scars, and all those things I need to work on.

Watching my own two girls, 7 and 12, I become more and more keenly aware of the mirrors they are of me, my own issues and inadequacies, my own quirkiness, humor, likes and dislikes. Of course I know this, but it was so much more evident in close quarters this week.

I have found the Scriptures to be much the same. Like a mirror, I read them and the more time I spend in the I see how my life has distorted God's intentions. I see how far I have fallen short. I also see the goodness God sees, my own uniqueness and God's redeeming love in it all.

One of my girls is nearly my clone in looks, but they both, I think, have the best parts of me in them. I believe Our Father in heaven sees His children and knows the same. He created us and proclaimed it good, and yet our brokenness has distorted the image we were meant to reflect.

I figure my children will have enough brokenness of their own living in the world we do. I pray my own brokenness will be eclipsed by God's grace and love. That God's grace and love will be the legacy I leave above all else.

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