So much seems to be changing right now. On the surface winter is coming on full force no doubt with our 18 degree temperature in Georgia this morning! We have a new President coming into office that ran on the idea of change. Marten is looking for a new job thanks to Circuit City closing all of the Atlanta stores, I am finishing up another semester in 3 weeks and trying to get things in order for next semester. I am praying about an opportunity to take a student pastorate position at a small church, and Monday is my 40th birthday. Man that is a lot of change! It really is enough to send someone over the edge. BUT, Marten and I have gotten some practice at this turmoil before and we are getting the hang of it. Yes we are uneasy, and as I said, I was angry for awhile about the job, but underneath it all, and this goes for Marten too, is a sense of peace and assurance. We know whose we are and we have seen Him come through in awesome ways before.
It's time for me to preach to myself. Some of the things I have found myself saying to others (friends, classmates, family, and in interviews) lately are: "we need only step forward in obedience, the details are His and He will work them out, the kingdom is brought to earth in those small steps taken forward". "We do not get to pick who we sit next to in the Kingdom. They will probably not look like us, talk like us, or smell like us, but they are our brothers and sisters, God's beloved children." "It is normal to doubt. You live your life and God shows up and you know that it is more than a story". "Yes all of this newness is overwhelming but it will be fine and I will learn so much by being stretched outside of my comfort zone". "To be honest with you nothing about this whole thing is comfortable. I did not think when I was a little girl, 'oh I want to grow up and go to seminary and be a preacher', but God called and I answered and the rest has nothing to do with me and everything to do with what He can do in and through me."
Thank God it has nothing to do with me! I am just a willing instrument. AMEN!
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