Thursday, November 27, 2008

So very thankful....

I am thankful for so much. More than anything I am thankful for the people that God has put in my life and whose lives I have the privilege of being a part of. I am in awe that God loves me so much that he has blessed me with each and every person around me and my family. I need each and every one of them!
The semester is about to come to an end and I am a little burnt around the edges. I am ready for a long winter's nap, ready for Marten to know he has another job, ready to know that school is paid for for a change, ready to rest, if only for awhile. Those of you that know me know I have a hard time sitting still for long! It's a good thing because come January I am starting CPE, which is Clinical Pastoral Education. I will be doing this at Scottish Rite Children's Hospital, an internship as a hospital chaplain. I look forward to this practical experience in ministering to families and all God will be doing in and through me. I will also be starting a student pastorate at a little church just south of Social Circle. I am overwhelmed by this opportunity and look forward to that as well, although truly it seems surreal. In addition I will be taking two classes and continuing to work part time.
All that being said, I sure would appreciate your prayers! I ask that you join me in prayer for God's provision in a job for Marten, strength, energy, and annointed words to share in both my CPE and in my pastorate position, and very importantly, someone(s) to help support my seminary costs. Not receiving any of the scholarships I applied for and not being eligible for financial aid has made being obedient to God's call more than a little challenging financially, but nevertheless the obedience is not negotiable. I will continue to move forward in whatever ways I am able! Doing otherwise is frankly impossible!
Jeremiah 20:9
9 But if I say, "I will not mention him or speak any more in his name," his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


Prayers continue for Marten's job, for your financial resources for school, and peace for you both.

I ran into Adam at Target this morning after both of us had been at Best Buy at 5:00 a.m. He took his propane cooker out there and made pancakes for the people who had been in line all night. Aaawwww! His sister was with him, and she attends ATS, too. She lives in Tampa. It's her first semester.

Happy day after Thanksgiving to you all. It's going to rain all day tomorrow -- perhaps a great day for that nap.

In Him!