Friday, December 5, 2008

How big is your God?

Times are tough for some more than others. It's kind of a wake up call to some of us who easily come by the necessities in life. Others know what it is like to not have basic needs met on a pretty regular basis. Where is God in all that? Well this is the way I see things...

I believe that God is a God of abundance! I do not believe there is a limit on what He can do and provide. I believe that as a planet and as a people we have been given everything we need, but I also know that some of us have better means and circumstances to access resources to meet those needs. I also believe that to those whom God has gifted in place and in circumstance a greater responsibility is given.

We have all we need. God has been partnering with man since the beginning of time, it is in His nature to continue to do so. God's resources are unlimited. Yet so many of us don't live like that. We hang on to what we have and fear giving it away because what might tomorrow bring? It makes me think of the Israelites in the desert, collecting the manna, even though God had told them not to, only to find it had rotted the next day.

Do you believe that God will meet your needs? Maybe you are hanging on to something that you don't need right now but someone else does. Give generously. Trust that God will provide. Love one another.

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