Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Trinity Part 2

As soon as I typed that title I felt compelled to make this a 3-parter! It only seems right since we are talking about the Trinity. This last week has further actualized God's revelation of who He is in choosing to send His Son, to take the form of a helpless child, into the world with the eventual end with death on a cross, death for our sins, doing for us what we are incapable of doing for ourselves, sacrifice in the name of washing our sins away and repairing our relationship with God.
I had the privilege of attending both a wedding and a funeral this weekend. Both were instances of great celebration. Such peace comes with assurance of who you are in Christ and where your eternal destination lies. It was said at the funeral that God always shows up. Sometimes it is in our loved ones, friends and family God has put around us to celebrate with us, grieve with us, encourage us, this is the body of Christ acting in accordance with how God has revealed Himself. In the case of Christmas, however God showed up as a baby in a manger. He showed up and walked through this world, he shares our hurt, our joy, our awe, our love, a love that is not self referenced, but comes from Him. He shows up when we cannot show up for ourselves.
Forgive my rambling but it also makes me think about how we fail one another when we do not "show up".
So many people have shown up for me, for Marten, for our girls. Without our church family, without the body of Christ, Marten would not know our God today. It does "take a village"! God's Spirit, the great Counselor that came freely to us upon Christ's ascension, is working through and in that village. We must only pay attention and be obedient!

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