Thursday, February 5, 2009

Foolishness and Obedience

What does one have to do with the other, this foolishness and obedience?
I was talking to a group tonight about discipleship and disciplemaking. There came a time of questions and answers toward the end and the question came up as to how I got into CPE, Clinical Pastoral Education, working as an intern in the chaplaincy department of a local children's hospital this semester. I have gotten some "bless your hearts" and some "wow, that's greats" but honestly I don't know how I got here. I don't know how I am halfway through my second year of seminary, and frankly how I stand up and talk to 100s of people or pray with and for them either. Totally honest, I don't know how.
God gets all the credit here. All I have tried to do is be obedient. To walk toward Him and His ways. Most of the time, totally honest, I am absolutely terrified. I keep looking around for Aaron to speak for me!
Call me a fool for believing God is always going to show up, or for walking forward in obedience when I feel completely incapable of doing what He has called me to, but this I know. The more I have to rely on Him for every single thing the better right? For most things in life this is easier said than done. We'd all rather stay in our comfort zones because there we know what to expect and what resources we have, etc. But outside of our comfort zone...the place I seem to live these days...we are more or less forced to rely on God. It is here that He can do His best work, when we are fully surrendered, right? I am counting on it!

Phillipians 4:13 I can do everything through him who gives me strength.

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