Tuesday, December 29, 2009

New Year Goal Setting/Gaining Perspective

Well it is about that time. Have you started a list of goals for 2010? I think many of us need to stop to consider, to really get perspective, on the place in which we find ourselves first, before we start trying to head in a particular direction. We need to consider the distance, don't we? And how we might need to be prepared for the journey? Maybe how equipped we are where we stand and what "equipment" we might need to get there.

Many of us set some high and lofty goals without first pondering these things. Sometimes we are so deep down in it that we can't truly see "it" for what "it" is. (Trying not to get myself in trouble here).

Tony Morgan, a big deal in church leadership bloggged about how his own goal setting has changed in recent years in response to just how quickly our world is changing around us, frankly just how quickly everything is moving around us. He had this to say about goal setting and perspective,

"Do current trends suggest we’re moving in the right direction? If they aren’t, are you being honest about it or explaining away the numbers?
Do we have the right people in the right roles to help us move forward? I’d rather have the right people with the wrong strategy than the wrong people with the right strategy.
Are we focusing our time and resources on the right priorities? Honestly, I think most organizations can only handle one new project or initiative at any given time. Healthy organizations get everyone on the team pulling in the same direction to see that initiative through to success."

Frankly this made me think a lot about the Church. Far more doors are closing than are opening. How are we responding? What I am seeing from my little speck on the earth is a lot of right strategy and wrong people and vice versa. I am perplexed by the competitive nature within the church and the power struggle I see being played out. Don't get me wrong I do see people with real Kingdom vision, but I see others that would fight to stay in a place where they are not the best suited, to make a point. Where is the Kingdom in that? Isn't it about making disciples and growing the Kingdom? If someone else can do it better than you, then by all means let them do it! Equip them, support them, and set them free. It is not about me or you or my ministry or your ministry or my preaching or your preaching, it is about God and His Kingdom. The Scriptures tell us that as the body of Christ we are all uniquely gifted. When we use those gifts to His glory, when we give of them freely, we enable others to do the same. Do you have perspective on your gifts? How about the gifts of those around you? How are you giving of yourself in order to better empower others?

In the economy of the Kingdom, giving is giving. It is good. Me giving to you takes nothing away from me, but only adds to the fullness of the Kingdom. It is the picture of the Trinity. The world's economy of give and take is so much different. Why do we see this in the Church? Why the competition?

I hope this makes sense to someone. I feel like I am rambling. What can we do to change this? What kind of goals should we be setting for our churches? For the Church? How do we get there from here? And where exactly is here?

Friday, December 25, 2009

God with us...

It is after 1 a.m. on Christmas morning and I am sitting in awe of a God that loved us, loved me enough to come, to empty himself of all the glory in heaven, to come in such an unexpected way.

This time of year seems to bring with it many expectations, what will we give? What will we receive? Whom can we help and serve? What will we eat? Will it be like Mom always made? The traditions are wonderful, warm, and comforting, but I wonder if in the midst of it all, in the telling of the Christmas story once again, if our hearts have dulled to its message. God is with us! Christ came! There are so many reasons to celebrate the greatest gift ever given. A man born to die for us, that is how much God loves! I pray for a new way of hearing this good news and sharing it with others.

One of my favorite quotes from one of the early church fathers is, "The glory of God is man fully alive." This was said by Ireneaus, and to this day every time I hear it and ponder it, my heart is stirred, turning inside my chest in an unexplainable way. So many of us go from day to day, near sleep walking, not fully awake and alive to all God created us to be and do. I pray that as you wake on Christmas day that you will be fully awake and alive to all that God has in store, all that God wants for your life and through your life. His Kingdom was brought near when Jesus came to live among us. Let us live lives worthy of His love and sacrifice so that His Kingdom might grow in each of us and through each of us, but for now, sleep in heavenly peace.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Disturbed, Troubled, or both!

I don't know what to think. Ok well as I have told some close to me, because I have always been a person of limited means, I think I have it easier in some ways than others because I have fewer choices to make due to these limited means. Those with more have it harder. They have many more decisions and choices as to what to do with their "means".

However I have been disturbed and or troubled in the last week by two stories from two people of very different means and it seems to stem from the illness of overconsumption and sense of entitlement that is running rampant in this country. One confessed to buying way too much for their children and just not being able to stop...even "mindlessly" throwing things into the shopping cart while walking through Target. I am thinking woah! why? What are you really trying to fill up or buy? Do you know how many people won't eat this Christmas? I have some things you can do with that money! Can your kids tell you what they got for Christmas last year? It is so hard to watch. We are not doing our kids any favors with this madness. What are we setting them up for? What are we teaching them about the meaning of Christmas? God sent His Son, gave himself away, and we should do the same.

The other has bill collectors calling. Their child asked for an ipod for Christmas. They ordered one online but discovered it was the "small" one (the shuffle) so returned it because their child wanted the "big" one. Oh ya and they waited 6 hours in line the day after Thanksgiving to get another child a gaming system, but the bill collectors are calling.

What is wrong with us? What are we teaching our kids? What are we trying to fill with this overconsumption? When is enough, enough? I tried to shed some light in one case, and in the other was honestly stupified into silence. Praying for revelation!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

That's my story...

Wow! Has it really been almost a month since I blogged last? I can't believe it. After six classes and 4 trips to Kentucky since September this has been one crazy semester. In fact I am wondering when I haven't had a crazy semester. One year ago I was finishing up my first semester of Greek, along with other classes, heading into another semester of Greek and starting my chaplaincy internship at Scottish Rite Children's Hospital. What a year!

I have learned so much about who I am, who God created me to be, what He has called me to, and sooooo much more. God is so faithful, regardless of what things look like sometimes on the surface. I know this, have lived this, and can testify to this. God's word testifies to this, His written word and the Word made flesh. God is faithful!

The next year will hold many more opportunities for growth, for change, for learning and loving, for living an extraordinary life for God.

I must admit this process has forced me...because I am human, and because there are only so many hours in the day, and because I do have a husband and two young daughters...to not be as involved in many of my friends lives as I would like to and that has been hard! I pray that none of them have taken it personally or to mean anything in particular. I do love ya'll.

I of course wonder how things will play out when I am "officially" a pastor with the demands on my time and the needs of so many. I am trying to navigate these waters now so that when that time comes I will be better prepared. I don't know, just trying to figure it out, knowing that now not only am I a full time grad student, but a part-time personal chef, part-time intern in a church, full-time mom and full-time wife. At least when I graduate, I will get to take off two of these hats!

Well, one more final, one more paper, one more assignment and I am done this semester. May it be so...and soon!