Mom, Chef, Wife, Sister, Daughter, Christian, Friend, Chauffer, Fat, Thin, Tall, Short, Saved, Believer, Christ follower, Pastor, Reverend, President, Vice President, Muslim, Jew....the list goes on. Labels. We all call ourselves something or let others tell us who we are. Why? Often those labels can create the very barriers I eluded to earlier. A very poignant piece of what I have learned in the last year is just that. Particularly when trying to relate and reach those unlike ourselves those labels can be intimidating, but they can also come loaded with all kinds of baggage and preconceived ideas and notions due to previous experience or broad sweeping generalizations.
For instance in reaching others who don't know Jesus calling yourself a Christian comes loaded! Don't get me wrong, I am not suggesting there is any other way into the Kingdom. What I am suggesting is that instead of that label we think of ourselves instead as Christ followers, disciples, believers. Guess what? Jesus wasn't a Christian! The word Christian itself means little Christ. That is ultimately what we are all called to be as his followers, living our own lives in accordance with his. He is the model. More to come...
Join me in the global initiative to pray for Muslims for 30 days through Ramadan by accessing the link . Broaden your worldview there is a lot of great info here!
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