"The glory of God is man fully alive". I don't know when I first heard that but it resonated in a deep place within me. It was said by Early Church father Irenaeus, who lived in the late 2nd century, in his writings "Against Heresies, an argument largely against gnosticism. He was bishop of Lyons in what is now modern day France.
What does it mean to be "fully alive". I dare to say that, just like many of us are sleepwalking through life, many of us are far from "Fully alive". Do we let the world determine our steps or are our steps determined by something far bigger than what we see? Are we fully engaged in relationship with the people around us, or do we just do what we need to do to get through the day? Are we reaching out to others? Loving our neighbor? Heck, loving our family? Or are we doing the bare minimum? Where is the meaning? Remember the husband you prayed for? The child you longed to have? The parents that nutured and cared for you? Where are you in those relationships? I admit I am not winning any prizes, I try. I honestly have been so blessed with so many wonderful people in my life I often get frustrated with not getting enough interaction with each and every one of them! We can all do better. Ya, it takes time. But it is so worth it.
More than all of that, there is God, our Creator, who longs to be in relationship with us, so much so that He left His throne in Heaven to come to earth. I dare to say that in relationship with Him we can find all of the fuel we need to nurture those other relationships. More than anything, spend time with the lover of your soul. Read His word, pray, sing, sit and listen, and then with unveiled faces, shine His light into the world. When Moses left God's presence he had to veil his face because it shone. Our world could use all the light it can get. Be fully alive!
2 Corinthians 3:18And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.
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