Friday, July 31, 2009

On a Jesus High

I have had the privilege of being one of the many voices in the lives of 6 teenage girls this last year. Five of the six are preparing to leave for college in the next 2 weeks and I am so excited for the adventure they are embarking on, but at the same time I pray I have had some part in equipping them for the journey ahead. Most of them have just returned from a conference for kids their age and they are on a "Jesus High". I so want that feeling to last, that hunger to last. I know that at some point it will fade and I pray that they will see it through. I feel like a spiritual parent in a way. It took some time but I finally realized what a huge opportunity I had in this brief time to share the love of Christ with them, to strengthen their faith in him, and help them to understand just how big and wide and deep God's love and grace is.
Unfortunately this grace was something foreign to me as a young person. I don't remember when I fully understood what this gift of grace was, what I do remember is how it turned my life upside down and set me free, and that I wanted and still want everyone to know about it. I wasted so much time trying to do it all on my own, save myself, be myself (whoever that was), be "spiritual", but I may as well have been running in circles. God's grace says you don't have to be "good enough", my Son is, and he died for you. All you have to do is love me, believe in me. I know every hair on your head and I created you with a purpose. Stop trying and just seek God. He is your Creator, the lover of your soul, He knows you better than you will ever know yourself. Seek Him and you will find yourself there. Breathe in His scandalous grace and finally be free.
My heartfelt prayer is that each of these girls knows this in the depths of their souls and that I had just a small part in their lives as they grow to be young women after God's own heart.
"Seek the LORD while he may be found; call on him while he is near." Isaiah 55:6

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Eternal relationships...

It's been a great week. The girls are in basketball camp from 9-12 and I am helping with Music and More Camp. We have had some nice afternoons. We spent 5 hours at the pool today with friends. Good stuff. I can't believe there are just 2 1/2 weeks left until school starts! Where has the time gone? We've had a nice summer but there is so much more I wanted to do with them.

I had the privilege of preaching again this last Sunday. It was Legacy Sunday. Kind of like an anniversary or homecoming. Our church was celebrating 126 years, so I was humbled to have the opportunity. I preached on, what else, leaving a legacy. Check it out here, under "Family Tree"

Like summer days, time passes so quickly and we don't stop to think about what the culmination of our lives will be or what we are leaving behind us, much less what kind of future we are making for our kids, really...I'm really not talking about money, lest you think I am, I am talking about the kind of human beings we are creating with everything we do everyday, but even more than that, the eternal implications of what we do and don't do, say and don't say. Like so many other things we can't just assume that things will take care of themselves. Any kind of life that is to be extraordinarily lived takes vision and intention. What kind of vision do you have for the future? For your children? What are you doing about it? Are you sharing your beliefs, but better than that why you believe them? We have so many opportunities every day to teach, to shape the future, to share the hope of eternity with our Creator. I think I am a pretty wide awake person, but I know I can improve. Even my own message has convicted me of this, not only with my own children but with people in general.

I heard a story third hand today. It was about a man that was once a police officer. He went into the same convenience store every day and saw the same woman. One day he was called to the store because of a shooting and he discovered it was her. He had never asked her name, though he saw her every day, much less shared his faith or beliefs with this person. She laid there bleeding out. He held his hand over the gunshot to stop the bleeding. When the paramedics arrived to take her to the hospital, the medics told him, "be careful, her blood is all over your hands". Well, that was quite a loaded statement. The rest of the story is cool but not necessary to make this point...I hope...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

All in the family...

We are back from the annual Family Reunion and planning to stay put for the rest of the summer. At least I am. The Fall semester will bring four trips to Kentucky for 3 different classes. It should be interesting!
Family Reunions are always interesting. My siblings and I range in age from 45-39 and we all have children of our own. We all have found our own place in the world and calling in life. What is really interesting is what happens when we all come together. It never fails that in some way, shape, or form, we all either somehow revert back to our childhood roles and places or fight hard against them all week long. Very interesting. I find myself digressing too and it aggravates the fool out of me. I haven't quite figured out at what point or how it happens, if it is so many hours or days there and POOF, or if the metamorphosis somehow takes place in route???
I get to preach one of the services this week and it happens to be "legacy Sunday" where we celebrate our roots and our family. I am wondering how this all is connected. When we become believers, when we accept Christ as our savior, we become a part of the family of God and coheirs to the Kingdom with Christ. At times however we revert back to that old self, the "flesh" side of who we are. When we realize it, we fight it. I'm not sure how this all fits. I know that how I grew up, my family, and my past, all make me who I am today, but I just can't be that little girl, it's like a pair of shoes that no longer fit. I also know that all I experienced before I accepted that I was incapable of doing it all on my own, and asked Jesus to be the leader of my life and forgiver of my sins, has value. It too has made me who I am, and good or bad it can be used of God if I let it. God means to redeem e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g! We just have to be willing instruments! I'm a big girl now! Now I just have to act like it!
1Peter 2:1-3
1Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind. 2Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, 3now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Removing Splinters

I had the unpleasant task of removing a splinter from my six year old's foot yesterday. With both our girls they tend to get close to hysterical at the prospect. We have to reassure them over and over that it has to be removed, the pain will be temporary, we may have to open up the skin a bit to remove it fully, but in the end we are preventing infection amongst other things.
Sierra got so hysterical and I lost my temper and raised my voice. Once it was all over I apologized to her for losing my temper. As I was talking to her I heard a message for myself in my words.

I told her I would never do anything intentionally to hurt her if it were not necessary to prevent further pain or problems. I reassured her that I loved her and that I had her best interest in mind, that it was my job to take care of her and protect her.

While I do not believe God would ever intentionally cause me pain I do believe I have experienced pain that He could have prevented, however that pain had a purpose, if the splinter in my life was not pulled out it infection would have set in. My Creator has my best interests in mind. And He will take care of you.
check it out...

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


As I typed that title I was reminded that I have written before on remembering.
I am remembering that one year ago I was in Jordan, seeing and doing some amazing things. I am remembering what God has brought me through to get me to this place in time, to the person that I am now. Remembering has been a key part of my Christian journey. It is so much of what propels me forward when I don't think I am capable of taking another step. It is looking in a rearview mirror and then straight out the windshield in front of me and somehow seeing so much more clearly. It is evidence of God's faithfulness, providence, and provision through this journey.

The hard part about that clear shot out the front windshield is staving off the desire to try to see around the next corner, but instead just trusting that all is well, because I am not in the driver's seat, my Creator is (who better?) and I am the co-pilot. :)