So, I mentioned purpose and the will of God in one of my last few posts. Again, God has given us choices, we are free in Christ, he who the Son has set free is free indeed! But what does that mean? Some of us get so caught up in the hunt for God's will that we are paralyzed to act and then what is the point of all of that hunting if it is in vain? If we base our choices on the crisis of the day or the flavor of the month or the circumstances that seem to be presenting themself what is non-negotiable about us? If God's will changes for you from one day to the next I would venture to say it is not God's will folks! It's yours! God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow....
What direction are you headed in? Or are you zigzagging around in the desert? None of us likes to be uncomfortable or step out of that comfort zone, but that comfort zone can be your captivity, what is stepping out in faith? What is faith? The fear of the Israelites in the desert cost them a chance to live in the Promised Land, when Joshua were assuring them that God had promised and God would provide.
If we are stepping toward God and the all encompassing purposes He has given His people, made evident through His Word both written and in the person and work of Christ, trusting he will right our steps when we do misstep, bravo! That's it. Seems simple huh? Well yes and no. The problem for most of us is, as Pete Greig writes in The Vision and The Vow, not that we don't know what God wants of us. It's that we know exactly what He wants of us, and it's not what we want to do!" We are all made of the same moral fiber. We know basic right from wrong but we have covered up the moral compass that God created within each of us with the junk and the illusions of the fallen world we live in. Like Neo in The Matrix we are confused as to what is real and what is not. What dimension are you living in?
So many people are afraid to make that first choice because it might cost them something. They're right, it will cost their lives. That is the price of discipleship. It is a high price to pay but we were all bought with the blood of Jesus Christ. We need to live like that. St. Augustine prayed, "Give me chastity and self-control, but not yet." Step off the cliff...
Fall into His waiting arms...
Then soar on wings like eagles, run and not grow weary, walk and do not faint!
People disappoint, but God keeps His promises!
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