Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Wahoo and Hallelujah!

And a big sigh of relief! It is official. I am now a certified candidate for ordained ministry. It has been a high emotion and anxiety filled week, but as always God has provided abundantly. Sunday went well. I even got a thumbs up from the one who keeps me most humble (Marten). God provided the message and God delivered the message because I don't even remember saying some of the things I said. If you would like to listen it is up on the church website.
Check it out when you get a chance.
The girls are due home from school and I would love to take a nap due to the relief, and exhaustion, etc. but I am too excited to close my eyes! More later!
Thank you all for your prayers and support!


Unknown said...

Great sermon, Heather. You are gonna be such a wonderful pastor!


Heather J. said...

I'm just the vessel! Thanks Allan. God is good!