Heard some wisdom. Had to share. "We are so good at defining what we are against that what we are against has come to define us." Julia Butterfly
Really it comes down to your motivation and the condition of your heart. Do you mean to be right? To have your way? Do you even know what you believe, YOU, not what your mom and dad, husband, gradparents, told you was true or right. What do you believe? Why do you believe it? so many of us skate through life never thinking these things out. I have spent the last several years doing just that. Now about to finish my second year at Asbury I have not only thought about it. I have have had to articulate it....over and over and over again.
It seems that so many of us have our backs up about this or that wee come off as defensive and off putting. You know kind of like that ugly Christian that wants to cram Jesus down your throat. Anyway, just stuff I have been thinking about. Stuff that is rolling around in my head. It makes more sense to know what you believe and why. But before you tell others to believe what you do, find out what they believe and why. Sounds like a wonderful way to start a real dialogue don't ya think? Then real sharing can happen.
A proverb that I think constantly about, especially since my mission to Jordan and my Anthropology for Mission class:
He who answers before listening--that is his folly and his shame. Proverbs 18:13
Bottom line, don't think you have all of the answers if you have not even taken the time to figure out what the questions are.
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