We've had two stormy, rainy, nights here in the ATL and it got me to thinking on the way to work today. Last night in the midst of the thunder and wind and lightening, I had the TV on and my laptop up and running, the lights on, etc. All of these distractions dulled my sense of the storm outside and gave me a sense of security. I know in the midst of some spring storms in the past, with no power and howling winds outside I have felt pretty vulnerable. Or in the winter, no power, surrounded by trees, listening to branches cracking and falling outside.
I am one of those people who does not cope well with the unexpected, like no electricity, appliances that don't work, and cars that won't start, sick kids, etc. I would venture to say that most of us don't. We have come to rely on these things.
It makes me think of the many parents I encountered while working in the hospital. They never thought they would be there with their child. Many had healthy, happy, children and one day they woke up and everything was different, shaking them out of the comfort of everyday.
We all take so much for granted.
I have thought often of just how privileged we are in this country and we don't even realize it. We can get just about anything we want or need from the store down the street by driving there in our car. Sick? There is usually a doctor's office and/or hospital a few miles away.
So, what am I trying to say here?
I guess what I am trying to say is this; if all of these things, conveniences, comforts, everyday normalcies were stripped away, how many more of us would be turning to God and relying on Him? Our senses our dulled and we have a false sense of power when all is right with the world.
Maybe being real requires not only love as I have said in the past, but vulnerability and surrender to the One who really is all powerful.
2 Corinthians 1:9Indeed, in our hearts we felt the sentence of death. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead.
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