Monday, August 3, 2009

Highs and Lows

What a day! It was so full of high points and one particularly low point. The girls are coming home tomorrow after being gone for 8 days and we are so excited. We have missed them so much! I finished leading a marraige enrichment class tonight and we celebrated with 6 couples renewing their wedding vows. That was a high and holy moment! At one point tonight Marten and I went on a wild goose chase for my "lost" cellphone. I kept thinking about how loving he was to get back in the car with me and retrace my steps looking for it, all the while disappointed in myself up for losing it. After a 30 minute detour and return home, I found my phone, and he was still sweet and loving. :) The lowest point was discovering a dear friend was in the hospital. We both visited at different times and are grieving for our friend.

We have encouraged our girls to recount their highs and lows on a regular basis with us so that we might know what is going on in their lives, celebrate their victories and thank God for them, and to know what is bothering them, what they are worried about or bothered by so that we can pray with them and for them.

Sharing your blessings and victories multiplies them. Sharing your sorrows and burdens halves them......

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