Sunday, August 9, 2009


It's back to school time and it is a time of transition. Back to routines, back to classes, back to homework and early bedtimes. Well, at least for some. For others, they are sending their last child to college and will face an "empty nest". Or for those just starting college away from home it is a new time of independence and exploration. So many transitions. Transitions are hard, they can be stressful. Fact is we all experience transition regularly, in a new job, a new diagnosis, a death, a change of marital status or family dynamics. Our country is in the midst of great transition with job loss and foreclosures at an all time high. Many are being forced to live life in a whole new way. So what are we to do in the midst of such transition?

Find your own new normal. Set aside time daily to meet with the One thing that does not change. Fix your eyes on what does not change, on what is steady, Jesus Christ, the author and perfecter of our faith.

Malachi 3:6
I the Lord do not change. Amen!

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