Friday, September 12, 2008


Between those expectations and disappointments often comes waiting. We humans have a hard time waiting on anything, especially in the west! We live in an instant society; microwave meals, instant credit, instant pudding, and instant messaging! We do not want to wait for anything. Women are induced into labor every day rather than wait for nature to run its course. We want what we want when we want it. This instantaneous culture encourages our illusion (delusion) of control. And so when we do have to wait it can be downright excrutiating. Such a feeling of helplessness. I know so many women who have waited for babies that never came, incredible people that have waited for healing that never came, couples that have waited for "things" to change and get better in their marraige, waiting, waiting, waiting. How do we persevere in this waiting? How do we hope in that? How do we get from helplessness to surrender to hope?

Hope is incredibly powerful. It can propel us through that helplessness to surrender only to rest in hope.
I hoped and prayed for a baby for years in seemingly impossible circumstances and God made a way. I have prayed for the salvation of others not believing it could happen half the time but knowing that God wants no one to be separated from Him.
I have learned in this waiting to be patient for God's timing, His answers (they are so much greater than mine), and to surrender, to lean on Him and the people He has surrounded me with because I am incapable of carrying the weight of this waiting on my own. I have learned that I will often not understand the purpose or bear the fruit of the waiting until some time has passed and His plan unfolds. I have learned that life lived with Him through this waiting sure is a lot better than trying to do it on my own. My faith muscles have grown and been toned. I trust Him.
Psalm 33:20We wait in hope for the LORD; he is our help and our shield
Psalm 5:3In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation.


Allan said...

Great blog, Heather! I'm right there with you on the "delusion" of control thing. That's a big part of my fight with my call. I want to answer the call, but I want to be in control, too. OXYMORON!

Hey, guess what! I'm a real candidate now. Got the email yesterday. Now the real fun begins!

God bless you, Marten, and the girls!


Lady Noel said...

Waiting seems to be my theme these days! Great blog Heather. I wanted to add another verse for you - it's Psalms 27:14. It was recently given to me by a great friend of mine. We are both "waiting" and in quest to be patient God spoke to her one night and she felt she needed to pass it along. It reads, "Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD." I've posted this on my desk at work and each day it reminds me that God is in control of my life and I'll wait on him. This is the third thing I've read in the past 5 days on waiting. I have obviously heard God's message to me. I'll wait.